Saturday, February 27, 2010

about The Bachelor.

I love it.

I love watching it. I love talking about it. I love getting absurdly worked up about it.

In conversing with my mom about her lack of interest in the show (I made her watch the Caribbean episode) She said "You know that Nonna watches it right?"

(Nonna is my 81 year old Grandmother from Italy. She lives in the bay area and is amazing.)

I said to my mom, "I'm sorry hhhooooowhat?!"

Fast forward to the next day- I get a call from Nonna, and we just gab gab GAB about the show.

(She said Vienna used to be a "strip-teaser", and she just wants Jake for the publicity)

Truer words were never spoken.

So friends, The Bachelor brought my Grandma and I together on a whole new level. Thank you.

And seriously Jake, Jimmy Kimmel put it best- If you choose Vienna; If you think that's a good decision, I don't want you flying my plane.